How to Improve E-commerce Website Ranking?
Search Engine Optimization

How to Improve E-commerce Website Ranking?

Mostly online shop owners search on google “ how to enhance the rank of my e-commerce website” how to increase my website ranking on google” as establishing an online shopping site among already thousands of established brand is nothing but a big challenge.

There is no deny that speed matters when it comes to the organic ranking of an e-commerce website. It is not just enough if your site is user-friendly, it should be mobile-friendly too.

Because most of the users visit your site through their phones, so it is essential to improve your site experience on mobile devices. And if you are looking for the ways to increase the rank of your e-commerce website than it is one of the major factors.

There are so many other factors include increasing the rank if your e-commerce website. To know read the below list as we have listed some ranking factors which you can study and use to figure out how you can improve your e-commerce site ranking on search results.

Competitive research

Before starting from any SEO work, first, you need to begin with research- competitor research and keyword research.


Because Research is the major part of SEO. Focusing on the wrong keywords can destroy a campaign by generating few conversion and low-quality traffic and to be true no business or website owners wants that!

Target the keywords with good search volume, consider relevancy as well as ranking difficulty. For ranking on top of SERPs go with keywords that are most relevant to your products or brand, that have a perfect match search volume in Google’s AdWords keyword research tool.

Avoid choosing keywords that are too competitive or too broad. If the match is lengthy, this will result in low conversion and rate and high bounce rate as of people going through your website not get what they are looking for on your site. Moreover, if you go with keywords with high competition, it will take more time to get high rankings.

Extensive keyword research

Keyword research is always the first and the foremost step for SEO. lack of focused keyword research is the major issues with online shopping sites that don’t sell. Using AdWords keyword planner, company feedback, google trends and google Auto-complete, a list of keyword and phrases usually used as search items by the average users. An Expert team of SEO search out targeted keyword so that by it they can generate traffic organically.

High-Quality Images

According to Google, a picture is worth a thousand words”. In place of explaining to the user what you work looks like with brief descriptions, just insert a high-quality image! By adding images in articles, You will be able to explain your content easily and it is easy for users to understand.

Actually, search engine bots would not be able to see mages, bots are depended on the image’s captions, file name, title texts, and alt text. So, you have to make sure that your pictures are responsive, are of right file size, scalable as well. By this, your site will load quickly on any system /mobile devices.

On-page optimization

This is the next step. On-page optimization makes the matter of e-commerce websites easily readable for SEO crawlers. They mainly focus on:

Information Architecture( tags, URLs, headings, content indentation, sitemaps, category pages optimization and product pages optimization)

  • Images
  • Textual content
  • Internal Linking
  • Videos
  • Social media integration

The online shopping site was made and developed by fatbit as well as was integrated with am Search engine optimization friendly content management System. This helps us easily optimize the website loading time, meta tags, page titles, web page size, alt tags, URLs m, headings, images, and so many other details for focused keywords.

Improve website loading time

A site loading time must be less. As the more time site takes in loading the more bounce rate increased on our website. So to reduce the bounce rate of your website to improves site page loading time. Your site should be open in a fraction of seconds, this will make the user’s happy.

High-page loading time is the big and the common issues with e-commerce sites because of an immense number of site pages. This assisted the e-commerce stores in the most important element in search engine ranking factors.

Hire a developer that can reduce the size of website components, use techniques to catch data, and offer faster servers. Working on-site loading time is usually forgotten by the SEO specialist and this results in bad user experience on your site.

Add schema markup

Schema Markup is one of the; latest and useful evolutions in SEO. this is the latest form of optimization and also very powerful. Once you understand the concept of this method, you can easily boost your e-commerce website ranking in SERPs.

Websites that utilize schema markup method will have more chances of ranking better in search engine result pages as compared to companies without using schema markup.
Domain authority improvement

Hire the writers so that they can generate quality, engaging and informative content to share with your focuses audience. Infographics, videos, images, slideshows and so many other resources were also done to push targeted resources on top google search results for focused keywords.

The website content was optimized for targeted keywords which effects the e-commerce store ranking. A good content was always written with good publishing platform and this target good audience. After this, the content marketed by social media platforms.

Optimise for voice research

This Trend has grown rapidly in the year 2018, many many users have used their voice to search with their mobile phone in hand. Voice search is mainly used for a business like attractions and restaurants. Voice search phrases can be; “Theatres near me”, “places to eat near me”, “things to do near me” etc.

So, we highly suggest you to begin searching for voice search optimization now, as it is the easiest way you can do to enhance your website rank on google search result.

High Quality- backlinks

Generally, backlinks are links that connect any link on a different website that navigates to your site. high -quality backlinks are powerful and can be utilized for good, assisting your site get to page one status. It is important to know how to achieve the type of backlinks that will enhance your website SERPs.

A high-quality backlink is the one that:

  • Is from a reputed website
  • Is according to your niche
  • Sends in referring traffic
  • Is included in the website content, not listed in a page sidebar
  • Assists your page rank
  • Is from different types of sources- not 100+ plus links from one referring domain

High-quality backlinks on your website not only help your site SEO buy also it drives targeted traffic towards your website. Backlinks on a trusted website can significantly push great traffic to your site for years. Referral links are highly targeted and this generates good traffic on your website.

Publish more content

Content is just like a main pillar of SEO and in that case, while trying to get a higher ranking for your online store, it would be useful. Always keep in mind, Search Engines lobe getting unique, informative, captivating and fresh content. The keyword-rich content is the base of any content and will raise the site visibility in the first step.

Avoid posting duplicate content and try to publish content daily on your e-commerce website. Regular posting strategy brimmed with relevant and focused keywords can be an awesome way to get a boost in traffic on your site through various sharing modes.

There are so many tools available online where you can find focused keywords by checking their volume and density.

Set apart your site from other resellers

Think about your own shopping background. Place yourself in the client’s shoes. Your MP3 player begins acting unusual and just playing out of one channel. It’s a great opportunity to purchase another one preceding this thing passes on totally. What do you do?

You experience a purchasing procedure quite like the one portrayed previously. Furthermore, at that point, your search for the least expensive cost. That is the way most customers go about it, as well. Other than low value, how might you set yourself apart from every one of a great many different destinations that offer MP3 players? This is a fundamental inquiry for internet business affiliates to reply. Else, you’re bound to continually battle the value fight.

I realize what you’re considering… client benefit! Indeed, that is critical, yet here’s the thing about client benefit being your differentiator… a great many people will never encounter your client benefit except if something turns out badly amid the business/shipping process.

Give some genuine idea to what you can offer that separates you.

Reduce friction to boost sales

Another common issue to online shopping store is processes or elements that add friction. As the owner of an e-commerce website, you must want the product sales to buy and checkout process to be smooth. The more hesitation a buyer has during on your website, the higher chances she/he will close your site and visit some other site.

Think about your own shopping experience, you want to get a website where you can easily surf the entire website within seconds and will add to cart things you would like to buy later. After this you have to give your personal detail like credit card detail- the moment you give your card details your mind start filling with questions like;

  • How much will shipping charges cost?
  • What if it is too high?
  • Am I going to sign up myself for a bulk of emails that I don’t want?
  • These product prices seem very low. Maybe this stuff is refurbished?
  • Is it safe to provide credit card details

Your website customs must have the similar questions running in their mind while surfing your site. When they visit your site, they want this information so that they can trust your website and feel confident while making a purchase from your site. Otherwise, there is doubt, and where there is doubt, people leave.

So what’s the solution? you can create easy to understand site policies for your customers to read, make everything clear from shipping to payment. If you post free shipping in your main menu without mentioning that there is a minimum $100 purchase, then your customers will feel that they will be tricked by you and will not trust your site.

Clear everything through your policies and then link to further information only if required. Use secure checkout symbols, trust icons so that your customers know that your checkout process is safe. Explaining all this in website policies can literally reduce your shopping site abandoned rate and boost sales. Just making all these changes can simply bring a huge increase in sales and traffic of your e-commerce site.

Write amazing product description

Yes, another way to boost website traffic is to improve your product description. It is very essential to write the amazing and captivating product description so that it can be quickly checked by the person who is interested in buying it.

How to make it attractive?

  • Whenever you are describing the product, add it’s benefit in detail by keeping customer’s desire and need in mind.
  • Why do they buy this product, and what’s special in your product that makes it different from other similar products.
  • You can relate how product certain features can aid the struggle of your buyers.
  • You can use some power word in your product description.

Customer reviews

Customer reviews play a major role in affecting a shopping website rank in google search results. More Than 75% of customers refer to the reviews left by the previous customers before making any purchase form that site.

It’s a kind of SEO strategy that e-commerce companies should appreciate their customers to leave their feedbacks which would help in creating the trust of the coming buyers, Feedbacks keep your website content lively and fresh. This helps your website get noticed in top search engine results.

To motivate customers to offer a review you can deliver an email after some days off their purchase by asking about their experience and any help. Such simple SEO tips for online shopping sites would largely help in improving their SEO ranking.

Final words:

Once you’ve followed and performed all above-mentioned tasks, it’s time to check the success of your hard work and analyze what’s working best for your online shopping site and what’s not. Keep repeating this process and updating your site with the latest e-commerce trends, this will keep your site on the top of the search engine result pages ranking game.