If you know about article submission sites or the websites that are meant for submission of press releases or bookmarking, etc. it won’t be difficult for you to understand what podcast submission sites are.

First, let's understand who does a podcast, in other words, who a podcaster is! A podcaster is such a person who hosts niche specific or subject centric podcasts. This person records audio content on diverse subjects which may vary from politics to stories to sports to movies. The idea is to create engaging and informative content for the audience. Podcasts are another kind of a platform which the producers of podcast use to reach out to a large number of people.

Benefits of Podcast Submission sites:

If you want to register your presence as a podcaster, you must know about the benefits podcasting presents. A podcast is an amazing and convenient method for you to present your viewpoint or share your expertise in a certain area. This provides you a recognition and has the potential to establish you as an expert.

You can take the advantage of free podcast submission sites to distribute your podcasts. Once your job of submission is over, the rest is taken care by these platforms. For example, the built-in features in them like metrics and analytics provide you insights about the performance of your podcasts, their extent and the engagement level with audience. You can also categorize your podcasts for easy access of your listeners.

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How to Promote the Podcast?

Some expert strategies help you in promoting your podcast. It is always a smart idea to utilize the existing social networking channels to share your podcast. Here, you may employ some creativity and share previews of your podcasts, cut pieces of interesting behind-the-scene instances and engage with people directly. When your audience finds such interesting interaction, they become likely to stay connected and also, further share your podcast content with others.

Another good strategy is to collaborate with other people who are either podcasters themselves or have podcasting channels in a similar niche. In addition to utilizing podcast submission sites, you may also generate an email list to ask people subscribe to your podcasts and send regular updates to them.

Last but not the least; invite specialists as guests so that you get an opportunity to improve visibility in other groups as well.

What are Podcast Directory sites?

As is obvious by the name itself, these sites are online platforms where podcasters can come and submit their recorded content. You may count on some popular sites for podcast submission, where a large group of people regularly come and check their favourite content. These are Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, iTunes (Apple Podcasts), TuneIn, etc.

As a podcaster, you must try to enhance your presence on these paid or free podcast submission sites and explore their benefits in novel ways. Because of their big names, millions of visitors fondly visit them which means your content has the prospect to reach many more people than you expect. Increased accessibility means growth in popularity.

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