Day by day growing usage of internet is a clear indication online places are hungry for fresh content every day. The content creators are also adopting new methodologies to generate refreshing and engaging content. In this scenario, internet users need smart methods to keep track of the newsfeeds they are interested in. This is where RSS feed turn out to be helpful and RSS submission sites are a great aid for that.

What Exactly Is An RSS Feed?

No internet user today wants to be stuffed with undesirable information. They cannot spend time scrutinizing the precise content they want! Their job gets simplified with RSS feeds. RSS stands for real simple syndication, and some people also call it rich site summary. This means, internet users can conveniently catch up with the latest updated content of their choice – be it blogs, websites, social media posts, newscasts or something else.

RSS saves internet users from excessively subscribing to different websites and simplifies finding their preferred content.

How Does RSS Work?

As a website owner, if you have implemented RSS feed, you got immense benefits to count on. In the opinion, RSS feed does not impact your website’s ranking, however it definitely helps Google index your content quickly and effectively. This is because RSS feeds don’t show images or graphics of any sort.

Free RSS submission sites allow you to submit your RSS and that is an amazing advantage. It actually simplifies the job of search engines in picking URLs, particularly the latest updated ones.

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What Are RSS Feed Submission Sites?

RSS feed submission websites are like a service to your website. Their job is gather content from different websites and then, coordinate all those contents in an XML file. They audience can find all such relevant content at one place and also, keep it updating as new content gets added.

Naturally, whenever you update your website with new content, it reflects in that XML file.

Advantages of RSS Feed Submission Sites List

You may find a lot of benefits from SEO point of view when you use RSS feed submission websites. First, you get traffic from backlinks which enhances your website’s visibility. Next, your latest posts get automatically indexed and you don’t have to apply extra efforts to increase their visibility. Reputed RSS submission sites get the indexing done in quick time and make search effective.

Disadvantages of Free RSS Submission Sites

Unfortunately, you may experience issues like limited exposure, poor quality check and chance of getting penalized with free to use submission sites for RSS feeds. As a result, your website’s performance can also deteriorate and you don’t enjoy many options to customize the content with free and less reputed sites.

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Types of RSS Submission Sites

You may easily find a collection of such sites which you can use for this purpose. However, it is important to keep jotted the most promising RSS feed submission website list. The general RSS directories allow submissions on feeds from different topics and industries. If you want to get more focused, choose niche-specific RSS directories. There also are such sites for RSS submission which are integrated with social media platforms.