SEO Writing: 15 Tips On Writing Blog Posts That Rank On Google
Search Engine Optimization

SEO Writing: 15 Tips On Writing Blog Posts That Rank On Google

SEO Writing: 15 Tips On Writing Blog Posts That Rank On Google

Search Engine Optimization

It is safe to say that blogs are almost as old as the internet itself. When the internet started getting mainstream and more people had access to it, they started expressing themselves and showcasing their thoughts to the world in the form of blogs. Over time, blogs have become important elements of SEO. Blogging for seo allows you to link your website’s internal pages, obtain external links, and increase the chances of your site getting ranked high on the SERPs.

Today, everyone who knows English is a writer and can churn out content in the form of blogs. However, it is important to create quality content systematically if you are wondering how to optimize blog posts for SEO. A single Google search would put thousands of blogs at your disposal within a fraction of a second. If you are willing to stand out from this clutter, it is important to keep a few important aspects in mind as you venture into blogging for SEO. 

Here are some of the most important tips on writing blog posts that rank on Google:


1. Spend Some Time Thinking Before Writing

Instead of mechanically writing down whatever comes to your mind, it is advisable to spend some time thinking about your blog before you start writing it. This will help you get rid of the first thoughts and make mental corrections before you start typing.


2. Have A Definite Structure In Mind

Before you start blogging for SEO, it is important to know a method to this madness. If you write long paragraphs without any definite structure, it becomes difficult for people to read your blog, and Google wouldn’t rank the blog favourably in its search results.


3. Have An Innovative Title In Mind

Your blog’s title plays a very important role in getting the readers hooked within the first few seconds of landing on the page. A catchy and innovative title would pique the visitors’ interest and make them stay longer on the page reading your blog. 


4. Add More Headings In The Content

Every SEO expert in India can go on and on about the importance of headings in a blog for SEO! The web crawlers of Google scan your headings first to understand the blog’s relevance and the content written within. Make sure you divide your content into multiple sections and put them under different headings. 


5. Write To Appear In Featured Snippets

The featured snippets of Google highlight specific sections of a webpage that answer certain questions asked by users while making searches. If you want your blog to be featured in such a snippet, put a relevant question as your H1 or H2 heading and answer the same in the best way possible

blog commenting

6. Do Not Try To Lose The Human Touch

Your blog’s title plays a very important role in getting the readers hooked within the first few seconds of landing on the page. A catchy and innovative title would pique the visitors’ interest and make them stay longer on the page reading your blog. 


7. Add Keywords In Your Meta Description

Adding meta descriptions to your blog post allows you to give it the much-needed exposure that it deserves. The search engine crawlers of Google also scan the meta descriptions while indexing web pages, and adding the targeted keywords there would allow Google to rank your blog high on the SERPs.

Also check out : How to get free traffic to your website with seo


8. Write Alt Text For All Your Images

Whenever you add an image to your blog, make sure you write alt text for the same. This allows Google to understand what the image is about and why you have added it to your blog


9. Look For The Right Keywords

If you are blogging for SEO, you cannot ignore good keyword research. Thorough keyword research would provide you with specific words and phrases that you can use in your blog post to cut through the clutter and make it to the top of the Google SERPs


10. Avoid Stuffing Your Post With Keywords

While using the right keywords will help your blog post rank high on the SERPs, going overboard with the use of keywords is very likely to backfire. Make sure you add keywords to your content only when it is extremely necessary for organic SEO


11. Link To Sites With High Authority

Whenever there is an opportunity to do so, it is advisable to link to websites with high authority while blogging for SEO. This would provide a wholesome reading experience to the readers and show the crawlers that you have done your research while writing your blog.


12. Write Longer And In-depth Blogs

Whenever there is an opportunity to do so, it is advisable to link to websites with high authority while blogging for SEO. This would provide a wholesome reading experience to the readers and show the crawlers that you have done your research while writing your blog


13. Go For Internal Linking

It is always preferable to add links to other sections of your website in your blog posts. This would make the readers explore your site and stick around for longer, consuming your content. 


14. Add Compressed Images

As trivial as it may seem, it is important to add images to your blog that are compressed and smaller. Larger images reduce the loading speed of your site, affecting the overall experience of the visitors.


15. Focus On Link Building

While blogging for SEO, try writing content that other websites can use to link to your site. When your site is mentioned in the content posted on other websites across the internet, it increases your authority and makes Google rank your blog post higher on the SERPs.

Also check out: The best tips and techniques to link building


The Final Word

These were some of the most noteworthy tips on writing blog posts that rank on Google. Remember that the key to writing an SEO-friendly blog is to be as original, creative, and authentic as possible.